Using Input Variables and Outputs
- Supplying Inputs
- providing values to Terraform for use in configuration
- Constructing values
- construct internal values inside of configuration for re-use
- Specifying Outputs
- export information from configuration once deployed
- Validate configurations
- validate configurations before deployment to ensure everything is correct
Working with Data in Terraform
- we can transform values inside config and return values as output
- like working with variables in C, and then returning a value to indicate error or success
- Input variables
- which pass info to terraform configuration
- defined inside configuration, and supplied when terraform is executed, like adding arguments when running a c program?
- Local values, or locals
- computed values inside the config which can be referenced throughout
- like variables
- aren’t inputted, but can be based on input variables or internal references
- Data is returned by Terraform with output values
- outputs defined in config
- depends on reference
- can be constructed from one or more elements, like locals
Input variable syntax
- variables are defined inside a block, like everything else in terraform
- starts with variable keyword, followed by name label
- all other properties are defined in block
- preferred to have arguments inside block, but they all are optional
- The type argument defines the data type
- error checking
- Description argument provides context for user if error
- Default arguments sets default if none inputted
- If no default set and nothing inputted, Terraform will prompt user at command line to supply a value
- The sensitive argument accepts a boolean value, if set to true, will not show variable in logs or terminal output
- for passwords, or API keys
- buy default, all variables are not sensitive
- To refer to the value stored in variable
- use the var identifier
- var.<name_label>
- var.aws_region
Terraform Data Types
- Primitive
- string, number, boolean
- Collection
- list (ordered group), set (unordered), map (group of key-value pairs)
- a grouping of the primitive data types, like an array in C
- for each collection, all values must be same data type
- Structural
- similar to collection, but allow you to mix data types
- like a struct in C
- Tuples (like lists), objects (like maps)
- not used in basic configs
Referencing Collection values in a list
- type arguments takes the form of collection type and data type stored in it
- lists are ordered data type, so we can refer to element by a number
- first number is referenced by 0
- this reference would return “us-east-1”
Referencing Collection values in a map
Globomantics Scenario
Potential improvements
- Remove AWS credentials
- Replace hard coded values to make config dynamic and reusable!
- Tags for company, project and billing
- Generate output of public DNS hostname
Local Values Syntax
- local value computed inside config
- cant be submitted
- all that’s needed outside block is locals
- inside block are key-value pairs, any terraform supported data-type
- a value can be a maps defining even more key-value pairs
- you can refer to other values from inside confider for values in local
- can reference the locals block multiple times inside configuration if you want
- however, each key must be unique through config locals block
Terraform locals reference
starts with local keyword, not plura
- e.g
local.common_tags gets entire map
The above image shows how to use interpolation syntax to reference two variables together as a string
Output Values Syntax
- starts with output keyword with name_label
- inside config block, only required argument is the output value
- can be any supported terraform data type
- optional arguments include
- description, not very useful as only seen when looking at config code
- sensitive, pass value from one module to another without printing to terminal or logs
Validate and Update the configuration
- find out if config is syntactically correct
- a command called validate can help
- before you run command you will need to run terraform init
- checks syntax and logic
- if it finds any errors, it will print out the error and line where it found the issue
- sometimes makes a suggestion
- does not validate state, only the content of config
- does not guarantee updated deployment will be successful
- fail due to insufficient capacity, incorrect instance size, overlapping address space, etc.
terraform validate
Supplying Variable Values
- using defaults
- or in the command line, with - var flag
- or in a -var-file flag and all values in that file
- terraform.tfvars or terraform.tfvars.json, if in ssme directory as config file
- .auto.tfvars or .auto.tfvars.json, if in same directory as config file
- Environment variable TF_VAR_
- If you don’t provide a value using any of these methods at runtime, Terraform will prompt you for a value
The Evaluation preference
- configuration is now more variable
- supplied date through input variables, more secure and repeatable
- there are many ways to submit values
- receive data through outputs
- validate config before deployment to catch errors in logic and syntax